I love the Olympics and thoroughly enjoyed cheering our athletes on but it was a major distraction. Now that the Olympics are over I have been trying to keep my nose to the grindstone this last week. The grindstone being this new journey I am on. It isn’t a grindstone really, but a polishing stone, which sounds much nicer. Between maintaining the house, looking after Mom and going to her appointments with her, and trying to get this writing life sorted, I have been busy.
One of the things I have been learning and faltering my way through is the social media platform in which writers need to engage these days to make it in the publishing world. Since January, I have launched this website, dusted off my twitter account, started an Instagram account and created a Facebook page. All of these accounts take time, and I have been feeling the pull away from writing to manage them. I am still figuring out my schedule and am gradually creating a calendar where I not only take care of the social media aspects of this new venture, but also actually spend time working on my writing projects. I enjoy the twitter and Instagram so am trying to share something on a daily basis and have some engagement with interesting people I come across as a result. I am actually enjoying this more than I though I would. I am more of a one on one relational type of person and have found that as much as you share with the social media world, you can develop some interesting conversations based on mutual interests and struggles.
I was was beginning to stress about posting more consistently on this blog, but then last night I read this article, and realized it is really only a tool and not to post unless I have something worthwhile to share. So instead of trying to develop blog concepts and ideas to blog about just for the sake of it, I am just going to focus on writing and when I come across something fun and share worthy, I will do so. My last post about meeting folks on boats is just the type of share worthy content I will aim at. That way you will get more of an understanding of who I am and hopefully also enjoy being on this journey with me.
Currently my focus is creating more rounded and three dimensional characters.
I am working in my local library this morning, but then will be going to the local park/beach to spend some time reading.
Reading is another thing that I aim to do more of. As a writer I need to read more. And reading can be done anywhere, so when I have some character work done, I will be off to enjoy these lovely dog days of summer.