It is Well with my Soul.

Today, instead of putting a question as my subject line, I have given the answer.

What is the question?

First, let me tell you a story. I am a writer after all.

This morning, as I was mopping the floor I was thinking about Horatio Spafford who wrote the well-known Christian hymn, It is Well with my Soul.

He wrote the hymn after a series of traumatic events that would have crushed most of us. First, one of his sons died at two years of age. Then, he experienced financial ruin when the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, caused extensive damage to property in which he had significant investments. In 1873, an economic downturn further affected his business interests.

But, it gets worse. In 1873 he had planned a trip to Europe with his family. Business concerns delayed his travel plans so he sent his wife and four daughters on ahead, planning to follow later. While crossing, the ship carrying his family sank after a collision with another vessel. Only his wife survived, and sent him the following telegram, “Saved alone…”

On the crossing to join his grieving wife, Spafford wrote the words to the now well-known hymn as his ship passed near where his daughters were lost.

Here are the first verse and chorus:

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know

It is well; it is well, with my soul.

It is well, (it is well),
With my soul, (with my soul)
It is well; it is well, with my soul.

I lost my oldest brother on 12 January this year, my mother on 25 March, and a dear friend on 24 April. Tomorrow I will read a passage of scripture at my friend’s funeral.

While I was mopping the floor this morning grief rolled over me like a wave and a cry exploded out of me and I wept.

It comes in waves, the grief, I can be fine for a few days, then I will have a few moments of actual heartbreak, and tears, such as this morning.

So, the constantly burning question on my heart lately is this;

What does it mean personally if God is with me always? This is what it means:

It is well,

 with my soul.

It is well; it is well, with my soul.

6 thoughts on “It is Well with my Soul.”

  1. It has been an honor to witness a small part of your profound journey through loss and sorrow and grief. You are an inspiration, Kelly.
    Blessings, Elaine

  2. Patience Gifford

    Your best yet! Thanks for being so vulnerable with us. Still praying for your heart to mend.
    Patience & Ray

    1. Dear Krystyna, I am so happy you were touched by my post. Yes, we sometimes forget in the heat of our trials who the author and finisher of our faith is. Thank you for your comment and blessings to you.

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