Is God with us when we do wrong?

I distinctly remember two spankings when I was a child. Both delivered by my father. One instance was when I had disobeyed the rule I was not to go on the train tracks that ran near our house. Dad caught me on the tracks, and on the spot, without hesitation, he gave me a good spanking. The rule was for my safety, as it was a busy track when I was young. He needed to impress upon me the threat of what disobedience might bring. So, I learned my lesson that day.

And, the second occasion that my father spanked me, was when I was playing next door and I didn’t tell my parents where I was. I had been playing for hours not thinking of the time. When my dad came in the door and I saw the look on his face, I knew I was in for it. I also saw the fear in his eyes, the fear he might have lost me. He had been searching everywhere for me and finally found me.

Rules to Live By

One of my favourite bible verses is Deuteronomy 5:29 when Moses gives the ten commandments to the people of Israel after God had delivered them from slavery in Egypt.

“Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!”

That is the heart of a loving parent. They wants the best for their children.

One role of a parent is to teach discipline and setting out rules to ensure safety and a life filled with all the good that comes from a life of discipline.

Now I am sure I was on the receiving end of more than these two spankings, most likely from both my mom and dad, but these are the two I remember.

Another incidence in which God’s parent heart was revealed, came through my mom. I don’t exactly remember what act of disobedience I committed, but instead of spanking me, my mom cried. I think her tears affected me more profoundly than any spanking I could have received. My actions had hurt my mom. The mom who loved me and wanted only the best for me. I was heartbroken and immediately said I was sorry.

It is this loving exchange of discipline and repentance that brings us into a right relationship with those whom we love and who love us.

When we now consider our relationship with our Heavenly Father, how much more he loves us than our earthly parents.

Punishment Deferred

But, we must also consider the justice of God. He has set a code of conduct, laws for us to live by, that we might have the best life possible in relationship with Him and our fellow man. When we break those rules and laws, justice must be served. There are many verses in the bible that speaks of the judgment of God, and that all will stand before him on an appointed day. That judgment cannot be ignored, because God is a just God. Yet he has made a way for us to be restored into a right relationship with him through Jesus Christ. Through his death on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sin, and we can freely come before God no longer hindered by a punishment hanging over our head.

So, God has done everything possible to reconcile us to himself. On this Good Friday, we in the Christian faith remember the cross. That Jesus paid all penalty associated with our sin, and the father waits with open arms. We need only ask his forgiveness and accept Jesus and his sacrifice for us.

As a result, even when we do wrong, we can trust He is with us. Waiting. When we have a repentant heart, we need not hesitate to run to those open arms.

I can still see my mother’s tears even though I grew past those times of discipline. 

But, now I see my heavenly father weeping when my sin would put a barrier between us. 

My heart repents, and I am enveloped by love.

2 thoughts on “Is God with us when we do wrong?”

  1. Really love this…
    A reminder to see God’s good character in the discipline He gives us.
    Thank you

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