International 3 -Day Novel contest

This is a New Writing Challenge for me.   

The International 3-Day Novel Contest has been around for over 40 years.

(Who knew? –  not me :-{ )

Yes, I sometimes live under a rock, or so it seems.

I do know about NANOWRIMO (National Write a Novel in a Month), another annual international writing challenge, and have been participating since 2012. You can read the previous post on NaNoWriMo here.

The 2021 3-day Novel Contest this Labour Day weekend begins tonight at midnight. I will be back under that writing rock for the next three days, trying to hammer out the remainder of my current novel What Justice Requires – Book 2 in my Where Can I Go? series.

The 3-Day Novel contest is sponsored by Anvil Press and is set up to enable writers who manage to write a novella size (17,000 – 40,000 words) story during the three-day timeframe, to submit it for possible publication.

I won’t be submitting anything this year as I am working on a pre-existing work that will be independently published. I just needed the extra bit of incentive to get it done. There is a small entry fee to register, but I felt that a small investment would add a certain level of commitment on my part.

In the coming years, I plan to participate in the 3-Day Novel event and work on a smaller project with the objective of possibly submitting it for consideration.

I’ve had too many interruptions and delays to my writing this year, so be warned, I will be unavailable this weekend. This will truly be a labor-intense-3-day weekend for me.

If you want to know how I’m doing over the weekend, check back here on my blog for a daily total word count update.

Wish me luck.

Or better yet – PRAY FOR ME, PLEASE.

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