Weapons in the Writer’s Armoury

Weapons in My Armoury – It Takes a Village

We’ve all heard it said it takes a village to raise a child. I would like to adopt that adage here and say it takes a village to produce a writer. The writer practices their craft in isolation. But to enable a writer to practice their craft to the best of their ability, and to

Weapons in My Armoury – It Takes a Village Read More

Weapons in my Armoury – You Gotta Believe!!! Can I get an Amen?

This first Saturday of 2018, I am returning to my series: Weapons in my Armoury. If you are new to this series, an explanation can be found in the last paragraph here. My weapon this week is that of believing in yourself. Throughout our lives, there will be nay-sayers. Those people who, for whatever reason,

Weapons in my Armoury – You Gotta Believe!!! Can I get an Amen? Read More

Weapons in my Armoury – on pause for the Holidays

I have decided to pause my Saturday series until the New Year.  I will still post so stay tuned for more Seasonal offerings in the coming weeks. The Christmas decorations will be going up, time will be spent with family and friends, and I will be walking around enjoying all the wonderful light displays that

Weapons in my Armoury – on pause for the Holidays Read More