All That It Takes - Front Cover

How does the saying go…the best laid plans?

Well as much as I thought I had everything sorted for my live launch event on Tuesday, 12th, for my debut novel, All That it Takes, something of course threw a wrench in the works, which unfortunately affected some people’s ability to join me live.

Luckily, I decided at the last minute to go live on my Facebook page at the same time. I don’t have a paid Zoom account so I couldn’t do the link to Facebook. But, I do have a big computer monitor so I could have both platforms open at the same time side by side. If you missed it you can watch the recording on my Facebook page here.

At first when I didn’t see anyone joining on Zoom I was a bit discouraged, but then when three people joined the Facebook event I felt much better. I told myself that I’m a debut author and I shouldn’t expect too much and attributed it to that, and also that people have busy lives, and they could watch the recording later.

Well, my phone started pinging and I realized there was an issue. I got to work trying to sort things out – I still don’t know what I did wrong, but I have figured out a possible fix so it won’t happen again. Once I had people in both the Zoom and Facebook platforms, I rolled with it and had a great time. Of course, in all the confusion, I missed something on my agenda. But all in all, I’m so happy with how it went and the support of family and friends.

The saying I started this post with – the best laid plans – can be attributed to two sources:

In the poem To a Mouse, Robert Burns wrote – “the best laid schemes of mice and men”;

And from Proverbs 16:1 “We can make our plans but the final outcome is in God’s hands.” (Living Bible)

This scripture verse has always been a mantra in my life, as much as I’ve planned things, I have realized that ultimately God is in control, and I trust him.

This is a major theme for one of the characters in my book who daily prays:

“Father God, I thank you for my life. All is in your hands and I leave it there.”

I trust that in the midst of all that life is throwing at us in these uncertain times, that you will realize there is a God who is with us, and will work all things out to our good, if only we trust in him.

Do you have a story of when a plan went awry? Leave a comment and tell me about it.

You can purchase All That it Takes here, or order it through your local independent bookstore. Copies are available in Victoria, BC at Christian Book & Music.

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