A year ago, today, I published my debut novel, All That it Takes.
How Do I Feel?
It was a day of joy and excitement as I launched my book and shared it live in an online format with friends and family. I am so grateful for those who attended and attempted to attend—yes, there were some technical issues—despite those issues, it was a special night of celebration.
Over the past year, it thrilled me to see the response from family and friends as they read, left reviews, told their friends, and bought my book to give away, sometimes repeatedly. Your supportive efforts make this journey more joyful, especially when I find myself discouraged along the way.
Writing a book is a solitary task. Making that book fit for a reader brings more people into the process to share the burden of the work, and once the completed book made its way into the world, there are even more people involved. That solitary task eventually becomes a team effort. Even when it is just me and my pen/paper/computer, I certainly do not feel alone on this journey at any stage.
I am part of a wonderful community of fellow writers, authors, and readers. It is not a competitive endeavour. Instead, it is an undertaking to serve the readers of the world. An undertaking in which others who have gone before will help others along the way. Authors started out as readers, in love with stories, who wanted more and more until stories poured out of them. The authors they read and reread fueled that outpouring. As I continue to read the work of other storytellers, especially those works that are exceptionally well written, it gives me the desire to improve constantly, my own literary projects.
What I Have Learned
I learned so much from the process, what I did right, and what I did wrong, and what I need to change from now on. The beauty of independently publishing my book is I can fix errors along the way, and I have. All That it Takes will have one more major change in the coming weeks, which will improve the reading experience for all.
I so appreciate all who have given me feedback. I heard you, and All That it Takes is better for it.
As I write the second book in the Where Can I Go? Series, I am encouraged by all my readers who have expressed their desire for more.
It has taken me so much longer to write than I expected. But, book 2 – What Justice Requires is getting closer to a finished manuscript. Then it will be off to an editor and the revision stage will begin.
I am humbled and so appreciative of your patience as I continue this literary journey.
I am not alone.